We are now offering @ home workouts ONLINE!
Visit our workout videos
Pandemic Flash Mob
This is an instructional video on a 45 second dance for all SRGC students to learn for when they return to the gym. We hope to be able to turn the music on, and have everyone in the gym do the dance together (including parents)! This will be our way to show some unity while still being socially distant.
Practice and be ready to get your grove on!
Practice and be ready to get your grove on!
Darcie's Step & Muscle Workout #1
This is a 48 minute Intermediate Step & Muscle workout you can do at home. This workout is done in intervals, you will have 10 minutes of Step Cardio, then alternating with 10 minutes of Muscle, and finishing with a Cardio Blast! I hope you have fun! If you want more video's, please "Like" this video or subscribe.
Stay healthy and keep on moving folks!
Stay healthy and keep on moving folks!
Press To Handstand
This is an instructional video on doing a press to handstand. This is a basic overview of the skill. Another video with drills to assist in learning this skill will follow shortly. Be sure a parent or adult is supervising and that gymnasts have a soft, open space to work in.
Keep working and have fun!
Keep working and have fun!
The Candlestick
This is a instructional video on practicing the "Candlestick". The Candlestick, is a great skill for all gymnasts at any age and level to do. Be sure that an adult is present while doing any type of practicing and that the gymnast has a soft, open space to work in. Keep working and have fun!
Parent & Tot At Home Play #1
SRGC has made a fun video for parents and toddlers! This 1:30 minute video will work on musicality, gymnastic shapes and movements as well as coordination and stretching. We hope you can take time every day to have some "At Home Play" with your little gymnast! Keep on moving, stay healthy and be well. Santa Rosa Strong Always!
Nice To Meet Ya Quaranteam Workout
This workout was created for higher level athletes of any age! We know that due to the COVID-19 pandemic many athletes seasons have been cut short but that does not mean that their commitment and dedication to the sport has declined. This workout was designed to help keep their strength and cardio up all while in the pleasure of their own homes! Enjoy and tag us!